By purchasing original products, you are helping the financing and operation of the Partizan Basketball Club.

How to buy


Selection of items

Na početnoj strani nalazi se meni sa kategorijama artikala, klikom na željenu kategoriju otvoriće Vam se nova stranica sa artiklima iz odabrane kategorije. Ukoliko ne znate kojoj kategoriji pripada artikal koji Vas interesuje, možete iskoristiti polje za pretragu koje se nalazi u vrhu svake stranice sa desne strane (mala lupa). U polje možete ukucati naziv artikla, naziv kolekcije i slično. Ukoliko ste izlistali grupu artikala koja Vas interesuje, dodatne informacije o konkretnom artiklu možete videti klikom na fotografiju artikla. Izborom željene veličine artikal možete stavtiti u korpu.


Cart Contents

Sadržaj vaše korpe možete pogledati u svakom trenutku. Artikle možete unositi u korpu sve dok ne naručite sve što želite. Artikle koje ste uneli u korpu možete izbaciti pojedinačno klikom na link Izbacite iz korpe. 

You can view the contents of your cart at any time. You can add items to your cart until you have ordered everything you want. You can remove the items you have added to the basket individually by clicking on the Remove from cart link.


Ordering items

In order to order the items entered in the cart, you need to click on Add to cart, View cart and Order. After this operation, you will receive a confirmation email to the address you left when registering on the site. If you are not registered, you must register or make a purchase without registration, by filling in all the necessary information:


Name and surname

Email and contact phone number

City and postal code

Street and number


Choosing a payment method

- cash on delivery payment at the time of delivery (only for deliveries in Serbia)

- payment by payment cards


End of ordering

By confirming the purchase, you will be shown a notification about the successfully sent order. We will soon send you a confirmation for the ordered items to the email address you left when filling out the form.

For all additional questions, you can contact us via e-mail