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Stories about Partizan - POP 43

by Ivan Toskov on April 03, 2021

Stories about Partizan - POP 43

" Timing" of shooting in rain and wind

Until 1967, the basketball championships of Yugoslavia were played on open courts. Due to the weather, the championship lasted from April to the first week of October. However, it often happened that wind and even rain greatly affected the game. How demanding it was for the players is also shown in this newspaper report from July 3, 1965, when Partizan defeated the Rabotnički team 93:76 on the open field in Skopje.

" Both teams started quite badly, because before the start of the game it rained, and then the wind started blowing. After the eighth minute, the score was only 8:8. Although there were a lot of shots at the basket, the shooters of both teams did not manage to "time" the shot due to bad weather. Only when the wind stopped did the ball pass through the hoop more and more often. The game was equal until the 13th minute. In that period, Rabotnički was even in the leadership. With the precise shots of Bojović, Žutić and Jelic, the defense of the home team was broken, which this time was not as strong as in previous games. Partizan soon took the lead, which was difficult to regain later.

In the second half, the home players couldn't do anything, because the black and whites returned the same measure for every basket they received, so the advantage was preserved and even increased to a 26-point difference. Partizan easily won two points. Rabotnički fans left the field disappointed because the home players did not put up the expected resistance.

Bojović, Jelić and Kraupa stood out for Partizan, and Knjazev and Savović for Rabotnica. "

In the outdoor basketball era, Partizan did not manage to win the championship of Yugoslavia. Five times during that period, our club was vice-champion (1949, 1950, 1951, 1963 and 1966).

The photo shows part of the team from 1963, which with 12 wins and six losses won second place in the Yugoslav Championship behind OKK Belgrade, which became champions that year. Partizan's scorers in that season were outstanding scorers Miloš Bojović - in the photo on the right (578 points in 18 games) and Radovan Bata Radović - seated (496/18). In tracksuits are (from left to right) Dragoslav Velanac, Milorad Miketa Đurić and Đorđe Milojević.


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