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Stories about Partizan - POP 42

by Ivan Toskov on March 29, 2021

Aces of the first decade

The leaders of the game in Partizan's teams from the first decade of the Club's existence laid the foundation of what the black and white basketball family represents today. We will recall some of them through the text in the publication from 1965, which was published on the occasion of marking two decades since its foundation. Here is how the aces of the first decade of Partizan's history were described by their contemporaries, people who had the opportunity to see them in action:

" When talking about the grandmasters who played in Partizan, among the first to be mentioned is the long-time member of the national team Vilmosh Loti. He was an ideal implementer, a master of dribbling, an uncompromising fighter until the last second of the game. Like a snake, he slipped through the ranks of the opponents and hit the basket without fail. His reflexes were astonishing and his positional instincts astonishing. In a word, he was and remains one of the brightest names in Yugoslav basketball.

Mirko Marjanović is one of the founders of the club. Tall in stature, he caused a lot of trouble to the opponent. Very mobile, fast and precise in attack, and extremely combative in defense, he was a favorite of the basketball crowd. He started and ended his career in Partizan, and for years the national team of Yugoslavia could not be imagined without him.

It is necessary to mention the name of Lajos Engler, that clever game director, that engineer, constructor on the field, who was the soul of the Partizan team.

Finally, there is Boža Munćan, one of the founders of the club, later a coach and very deserving of everything our basketball players do."

To this should be added the fact that in that period Radomir Šaper and Bora Stanković, later big names and respected officials of Yugoslav, European and world basketball, played for Partizan.

The photo shows the Partizan team from 1951. Top row from left: Mirko Marjanović, Čedomir Stojićević, Milan Blagojević, Milan Miladinović, Vilmoš Loci, Đorđe Lazić, Lajoš Engler. Bottom row: Milenko Novaković, Radomir Šaper, Nenad Kušić, Božidar Munćan, Borislav Stanković.


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