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Stories about Partizan - POP 37

by Ivan Toskov on February 20, 2021

POP 37 - "And more than a phoenix"

One beautiful story from the history of our club is related to a not so beautiful event from half a century ago. In 1971, Partizan took 10th place in the League and after the defeat in the master's match with Oriolik, fell out of the company of the best. The year marked by the biggest failure (relegation from the First League) also represents the brave beginning of the long-term, patient creation of a modern club that will soon rise to the top of modern European basketball.

In addition to the election of a new administration, formed under the motto "basketball for basketball players", it was necessary to get the players out of the state of shock as soon as possible and out of the deadly losing atmosphere. Coach Ranko Žeravica (at that time also national team selector) held a stormy meeting with the players, and the long-time centre, JNA officer, popular among players and fans due to his gentle nature, known by the nickname "General", Josip Farčić many years later remembered that dramatic moment:

"All of us in the club experienced a terrible blow... Ranko said at the meeting: 'We will not force any of you to play in the Second League. Anyone who wants to leave will receive a notice immediately. I'm staying, I'm continuing with my work!' The king reigned. After a few moments, as the oldest, I stood up and said: 'Master, when you are not ashamed to work in the Second League, and you are the coach of the national team, why should I hesitate?' And, believe me, just a few minutes before that I was going to quit basketball... The other players followed my example. We all stayed together, and new, future aces started arriving. It was the beginning of the creation of a new Partizan. We rose like a phoenix, literally from the ashes."

Today we know that Partizan was more than a phoenix at that moment. It was not just the renewal of the old one, but the birth of a new avant-garde, champion club that will soon become recognizable throughout Europe and the world.

POP 37


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